Honeywell High-temperature Accelerometer
Honeywell Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU)
Honeywell Inertial Navigation System(INS)
Honeywell Magnetic Sensor and Electronic Compass Module
Honeywell Precision Pressure Sensor
Honeywell High-temperature Chip
HTC Power Management Chip
The HGuide n380 is an incredibly small, lightweight, self-contained, all-attitude Inertial/GNSS Navigator designed for applications where robust, continuous position and attitude navigation data is required.
The HGuide n380 contains Honeywell’s leading edge i300 inertial measurement unit (IMU) and provides a powerful dual-antenna, multi-frequency,multiconstellation RTK capability. Honeywell’s integration expertise blends the IMU and GNSS data to provide an accurate, robust navigation service to your application with all the functionalities that you need.
The HGuide n380 output data includes time stamped position, velocity, angular rate, linear acceleration, roll, pitch and heading information. In dual-antenna mode, the device supports GNSS-based heading measurements and initialization.
• Honeywell proven navigation algorithms for air, land,and sea.
• World-class inertial sensor development, calibration, and compensation.
• Proven reliability, dependability,and ruggedness.
• Accepts RTCM3 GNSS corrections.
• Highest performing Inertial/GNSS navigator of its size,weight, and price.
• Configuration flexibility. Only purchase the features you need.
• Multiple configurable communication ports.
• The HGuide n380 is not ITAR controlled. Its Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) is 7A994.